College of Humanities & Social Sciences

College of Public Human Resources

The College of Public Human Resources nurtures future-oriented and creative human resources who will lead society based on basic refinement and professional education to solve problems in the public sector. The College of Public Human Resources is devoting its effort into cultivating human resources with drive who can respond actively to the changes of our era and secure competitiveness in various fields.

Especially, through systematic emphasis on public administration, policy studies, and public law, this College seeks to nurture experts with theoretical and practical competence required by the public sector, private sector, and the third sector.

  • In the College of Public Human Resources, students can learn the theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed by the public sector.
  • The College of Public Human Resources has created the following CDR (specialization program) to meet its educational goals.
    • Public service expert CDR (Nurture public service officials who can use knowledge in public administration theoretically and practically to run the country)
    • Public policy expert CDR (Nurture experts with public service skills such as public institutions, civic society organizations, social welfare institutions, social enterprises, etc.)
    • Private manager CDR (Nurture management personnel with various job skills such as general affairs of private companies, human resources, labor affairs, finance, taxation, etc.)