Improvement plan for specialization (tentative) University Vision - > A university that cultivates innovative talents to lead future society Specialization Goal - > Cultivate talents to enrich future culture through creative convergence Specialization Strategy - > Society-customized convergence of Art (A)-Business (B)-Culture (C) content using future technologies Specialization Tasks Emergence-oriented education for soft power • Exploring major-customized educational methods using future technologies for A-B-C content • Designing micro-degrees for A-B-C content-related convergence and connection (multidisciplinary) majors • Systematizing education for improving solution-based A-B-C content creation capability • Promoting and expanding entrepreneurial-oriented education for A-B-C content majors Convergence-based research for brand building • Activating joint research between A-B-C content majors and future technology majors • Supporting identification of industry-university cooperation opportunities based on cooperation among A-B-C content majors • Revitalizing innovation-sharing activities among universities with a focus on A-B-C content majors • Realizing the accumulation of A-B-C content-based SM brand assets Securing entrepreneurial capabilities for ecosystem development • Identifying the social demand for A-B-C content and materializing it • Helping A-B-C content majors to gain employment or start a venture company based on future technology • Encouraging attainment of intangible assets related to A-B-C content majors • Establishing an organization to promote university-level business with a focus on A-B-C content majors Pursuing sustainability-oriented social value • Engaging in local communities and pursuing problem solving with the strengths of A-B-C content majors • Strengthening A-B-C content-related capabilities at the university level through collaboration with local community resources • Holding A-B-C content-based ESG campaigns in local communities • Structuring a lifelong education system centered on A-B-C content majors