- 학위: 박사
- 연구실 : 한누리관 (I709)
- 연락처 : 041-550-5384
- 세부전공 : 계산화학
- 박사, California Institute of Technology 화학과 (세부전공 : 계산화학), 200706
- 석사, Univ. of California at Berkeley 화학 (세부전공 : 물리화학), 200105
- 석사, 서울대학교 화학과 (세부전공 : 물리화학), 199702
- 학사, 서울대학교 화학과 (세부전공 : 화학), 199502
- 연구원, 경희대학교 , (2009.07~2011.02)
- Researcher, California Institute of Technology (Caltech), (2008.02~2009.10)
- Postdoctoral scholar, California Institute of Technology (Caltech), (2007.02~2008.01)
- Cryogenic ion spectroscopy of adenine complexes containing alkali metal cations, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 202103
- Anionic Activation of CO2 via (M-n-CO2)(-) Complex on Magic-Numbered Anionic Coinage Metal Clusters M-n(-) (M = Cu, Ag, Au), JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 202103
- Stacking-Specific Reversible Oxidation of Bilayer Graphene, CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 202102
- Selective thiolation and photoswitching mechanism of Cy5 studied by time-dependent density functional theory, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 202007
- Chiral and Isomeric Discrimination of Chiral Molecular Ions by Cold Ion Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 202006
- Computational study of selectivity of dibenzo-18-crown-6-ether dimer for alkaline-earth divalent cations, COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY, 202003
- Induced Circular Dichroism of Jet-Cooled Phenol Complexes with (R)-(-)-2-Butanol, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 201910
- An atomistic mechanism for the degradation of perovskite solar cells by trapped charge, NANOSCALE, 201906
- Degradation of CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite materials by localized charges and its polarity dependency, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 201905
- Polarization of electrostatic charge in neurtal Ag-Au alloy clusters, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 201810
- Benchmarking study on time-dependent density functional theory calculations of electronic circular dichroism for gas-phase molecules, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 201802
- Isomer-Specific Induced Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy of Jet-Cooled Phenol Complexes with (-)-Methyl l -Lactate, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 201802
- Ab initio study on anomalous structures of anionic [(N-heterocycle)-CO2]- complexes, Journal of Chemical Physics, 201704
- Electronic Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy of Jet-Cooled Phenylalanine and Its Hydrated Clusters, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 201611
- Calculation of Vertical Detachment Energies for Bromochlorobenzene Dimer Anions: Dependence of Substitution Position#, Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 201503
- Low-frequency and rare exome chip variants associate with fasting glucose and type 2 diabetes susceptibility, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 201501
- Conformation-Specific Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy of Cold, Isolated Chiral Molecules, ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 201407
- Conformation-specific ultraviolet spectroscopy of benzo-18-crown-6 complexes with a potassium cation, Chemical Physics Letters, 201402
- Predicted structure of agonist-bound glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor, a class B G protein-coupled receptor, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 201212
- Predicted Structures and Dynamics for Agonists and Antagonists Bound to Serotonin 5-HT2B and 5-HT2C Receptors, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING, 201102
- Combined Theoretical and Experimental Investigation on Selectivity of Dibenzo-18-Crown-6-Ether Dimer for Alkaline Earth Divalent Cations, IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry), 20190710
- Isomer-Specific Induced Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy of Jet-Cooled Phenol Complexes with Methyl Lactate, 대한화학회, 20180420
- Induced Circular Dichroism of Jet-cooled Phenol Complexes with Chiral Solvents, 대한화학회, 20170420
- Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory Calculations of Electronic Circular Dichroism for Phenylalanine and Hydrated Clusters, University of Washington, 20160829
- Computational study of vertical detachment energies for o-, m-, and p-bromochlorobenzene dimer anions, 미국화학회(ACS), 20151217